A Twist in Time – Everything is Present – About Time – 5

Future is the Past

Everything is in a Flux

  • There’s no past and there’s no future – everything is in present and in a flux…
  • Everyone of us starts life exactly from the same point in time from where someone started life say 10 million years ago…
  • Everyone of us starts life exactly from the same point where someone will start life say 1000 years from now…
  • An action that we do now has its impact in the future as well as in the past…

These were just some conclusions that I reached while was investigating Bohr and Einstein debate about Quantum Theory – again for this blog after around 12 years of leaving my University and leaving Physics for Computers. I didn’t make that choice or perhaps a part of me that I didn’t know exist, did…

Physics is my first love and this blog is about love. That’s why I talk Physics here.

The Date Change

You may find a little change in this website as well. What’s that change?

If you’re reading this post on the website look at the date. The date of my last post is being shown as: 26 Dhul-Qadah 1431 AH. You can understand the second date but what’s the first date? I’ll explain all that, it may take a couple of posts. It all has to do something with THE PRESENT.

So what about the experiment that Einstein proposed to contradict Bohr’s stance (please refer to my last post for the background)?

The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment

In my second last post Uncertainty Rules I mentioned:

What Niels Bohr suggested is that (in plain English): Quantum uncertainty “ensures” that you cannot know everything about a particle all the time. If you try to grab a particle it will slip from your grasp (metaphorically) – it simply won’t be there. Where it will be? Anywhere (or nowhere) but at least “not where” you think it to be.

Einstein’s stance was:

I can grab a particle in the palm of my hand (metaphorically.) How? I’ll cheat The System…

To prove his point Einstein with the help of Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen proposed the following experiment:

(Hey just a minute… on wikipedia Boris Podolsky is also mentioned in the reference of being a spy who took money for passing on information to Soviet Union. Even if he did that, he stands high, very high on a pedestal in my heart. I still love him, and his contribution to the world can never be diminished by such allegations.)

The time is around 1354 Hijri (1935 Gregorian.) It has been established in the world of Physics that any direct attempt to determine both the position and the momentum of a particle is doomed to failure.


When we try to measure its position, the very effect of measurement displaces the momentum and the particle slips from our hands.

Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen said okay we cannot directly determine both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time, let’s take a second particle, that would be our accomplice. It’s just like playing snooker. When the cue ball strikes another ball, both the balls move away in different directions. Their motion is precisely fixed by the law of action and reaction. If we precisely measure the momentum of our cue ball then the momentum of the other ball that is hit can be precisely determined. Now we make an observation on the second ball to find its position – voila we have the particle in our hands. That other particle can be light years away but it doesn’t matter because theoretically we KNOW it will be at a particular place at a particular time and we would catch it.


This experiment can only fail if somehow our thoughts travel forward in time and tell that particle that someone who knows your momentum is gonna come to grab you at this time, so you must vanish at that time from this particular position.


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Does God Play Dice? Is The System Fair? About Time – 4

Einstein said that The System can be cheated. These are the famous words of Einstein:

God does not play dice.

What does Einstein really mean by that?

It is explained beautifully in the words of Pierre Laplace a renowned French Mathematician and astronomer:

An intelligence which at a given instant knew all the forces acting in nature and the position of every object in the universe – if endowed with a brain sufficiently vast to make all necessary calculations – could describe with a single formula the motions of the largest astronomical bodies and those of the smallest atoms. To such an intelligence, nothing would be uncertain; the future, like the past, would be an open book.

Do you get it? It simply means if God knows everything then He must be able to figure out the future of all of us. As well as if God created this System in a particular way as per His desire/direction/planning then the outcome must be as per His desire/direction/planning. That’s what Einstein’s point of view in layman’s terms. Bohr’s point of view is that it cannot be determined even theoretically.That’s because of the inherent uncertainty built in the system.

Do you know the implications of the above statement? If everything or anything can be pre-determined in The System then anyone of us can say to God; God I didn’t do it. I never killed anybody, You killed that person by my hands because YOU designed The System that way. God YOU determined that I’ll do that action on a particular day or night…

But if The System is built upon such uncertainty that even God cannot override, then yes, God has a chance to implicate us for our actions.

This whole debate revolves around the point:

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Uncertainty Rules – Cheating The System – About Time – 3

Life, Fate and Destiny…

What is your perspective about your life? What do you think life is? Is life just eating, drinking, having sex, praying and then dying or is there any deep mystery hidden somewhere?

What are your core beliefs about your life? What do you think about your fate? Do you think it’s pre-determined by some entity most of us call God? Or do you create your own fate? What is destiny? Is there something that’s pre-determined that’s gonna happen in your life? Can you change your destiny?

What pisses me off the most is people saying that all that happens is according to the will of God and all what you need to do is to call God, pray and ask God and God will do it for you.

Who is God?

Who is God? A robot that feeds on your prayers and grants wishes? Is God some genie from Aladdin’s lamp and rubbing of the lamp is synonymous to offering prayers 5 times a day? Perhaps He’s a pervert and wants to keep all women covered in burqas to protect their chastity? Perhaps He feeds upon your sorrows; the more sorrows you get in this life, the more poverty you face, God rewards you in the afterlife? Or perhaps He would award paradise to you, if your children rot learn Qur’an (and become animals – parrots to be precise)…

I ask them just 1 question: Why Aren’t YOU God?

You as a human have dominion over all the creations of God including angels – provided you know The TRUTH.

The truth will set you free (i alitheia eleutherosei umas) (John 8:32)

The Inherent Uncertainty

Coming back to today’s topic – the inherent Uncertainty in The System. If you’ve been following this blog “The System” has appeared in my posts many times before. You can read this post to know what’s my stance on The System: Find Out Who You Really Are

What’s uncertain about The System? The thing is; everything in this System is Uncertain – to us. And once this uncertainty is removed from somewhere System changes its state, so that it again becomes uncertain – for us. How come uncertainty removed? By our observation. But the things don’t end here. It seems The System knows what is going to happen next (that we’re gonna make an observation) and it adjusts according to its knowledge. And when our observation is no longer there the state of existence of the System cannot be determined – we can’t even say for sure that The System exists in the absence of observation.

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Mind Over Matter – Time Travel – Time Machines – About Time – 2

The Milky Way

Do you have any idea how big is the place where you live – I mean Universe?

Where are You?

You live in a planet called earth. It orbits around Sun along with its 8 sister planets. Our Sun is a typical star and you can see hundreds of thousands of similar stars (bigger and brighter than our Sun and probably having their own Solar Systems) via telescope. These stars are not haphazardly distributed but placed in a colossal wheel like structure called galaxy.

The Milky Way

Have you ever heard of The Milky Way? It’s in fact a galaxy – our galaxy. Our sun is located in this galaxy at about two-thirds of the distance from the centre. Beyond our galaxy there are more galaxies similar to ours scattered around us in a cluster. Modern telescopes reveal a universe fill of clusters of galaxies, thousands and thousands of millions of them.

So where are we? We are in the middle of nowhere. Distances between these galaxies are measured in millions of light years. In fact our own galaxy is roughly 100,000 light years in radius and around 100,000 million stars are contained in it.

These numbers boggle my mind, what about you? Isn’t it so that we are just insignificant. We don’t even exist.

The Most Mind Boggling Thing You May Have Ever Heard

But what is more mind boggling to me is that a slight stir that’s caused not by our action but by our mere thought can cause significant changes across thousands of millions light years away… That’s exactly the inference I got by delving deep into Quantum Mechanics.

Does this imply that thoughts travel at speeds that are more than the speed of light?

I must say that should be the case if we analyze the experimental outcome.That’s the easiest way to explain the phenomena.

What phenomena?

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Time and Space – Time is Flexible – Time Dilation – About Time – 1

Let’s discuss some Physics. It is going to expand your mind…

What is time?

It’s not an easy question.

What is Time Warp?

What if I tell you there can be different times for you and for me.

If you live on the top floor of a high-rise building your time will be running faster than the time of someone living on the ground floor. This affect is negligible but can be calculated with super-sensitive atomic clocks. Similarly time on an airplane when it’s in air runs faster than the ground time.

Oh no, the differences are so minuscule that ordinary watches usually cannot  register the change but the change is there and if you wear an atomic clock on your wrist it will tell you exactly how much younger you are than the rest of your fellows who didn’t accompany you in the journey.

Now suppose you board a rocket that is capable of traveling at speeds that are comparable to the speed of light i.e. at very high speeds. You go to Moon and come back, you’ll be younger than the rest of us. The higher the speed of the rocket the slower the time runs for you.

If it’s still unclear to you you can read more on time dilation.

What is Time?

Time is a sort of dimension. Some theories of Physics suggest that we live in an eleven dimensional Universe. 3 dimensions are visible, 7 unseen but these unseen dimensions manifest themselves in the form of forces like electricity/magnetism/gravity… and the 11th dimension is time.

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Who is Your Real Father? & Who is Your Real Mother? Who are You? – 15

Back to Emotions

So you want to find out who you really are?

Before you find it out you need to break free from the chains that hold you back. In one of my previous posts I talked about “Psychic Double.” I didn’t purposefully described the process of getting rid of it.


So that you can deal with your trapped emotions and remove them. Have you read the book The Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson? Have you removed your trapped emotions? You don’t know how to dowse to find out the trapped emotions? There are several ways of dowsing mentioned in the book. Have you taken it seriously? Have you done some serious effort?

The Power of Belief

My experience is once you BELIEVE, God opens the ways. Your belief is the first step in getting rich, to prosper, to become beneficial to the world…

Are you waiting for the magnets? From my experience our mother earth is the biggest magnet. What I do to remove a trapped emotion is to consider my hand as a very powerful magnet. I then put it on the place where the emotion is trapped and then sort of visualize that it sucks the emotion out of the body. Once I’m satisfied that it’s fully sucked, I then put my hand on earth so that the negativity goes inside our mother. To do this you must have a deep sense of love for your mother earth.

Your Core Beliefs

What I’ve observed among all the people of different nationalities/religions mostly “Muslims” are the ones who are in sort of hate with our mother earth. I’m a Muslim and I’m ashamed to admit that same was the case with me a few years ago. Even then when I got sort of enlightened I was never in love with our mother. It was only recently that I developed a particular deep love for earth. How it happened is a long story.

What are the reasons? Why people develop hatred for earth? There are many, many reasons. It is mostly instilled in so called religious teachings. I believe Christianity is not too much different in this regards. It’s not that I’m pointing finger to any religion but my aim is give you some food for thought. Look inside you. Are you religious? If yes then you need to examine your core beliefs. The beliefs about You and Where You live and dwell.

I’ll post more about this later. But for now the treatment that I suggest won’t work as expected if you don’t change your core beliefs about this world in general and where you live in particular. It is really important.


I procedure I just told you above to remove a trapped emotion using earth won’t work if you’re not IN LOVE with your mother earth. She won’t accept your request.

The Act of Kissing

Do you want to get rich in the real sense, just like a tree when it bears fruit? You can get rich, you can get beneficial for anybody including your family when you develop a deep sense of love for your mother. If you don’t love earth then you won’t get the nourishment from earth to bear fruit. From being rich I always mean being helpful/beneficial to others.

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